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You can strengthen your thighs, glutes, and calves in only 10 minutes with this lower body workout routine.

This lower body workout can help you strengthen your core in a short amount of time.

Photo by kike vega on Unsplash

Flexibility, posture, breathing, and stamina may all be improved via Pilates. Furthermore, unlike other workouts that only target the lower back and abdominal region, it strengthens the muscles that make up the core. For pilates exercises, you frequently don't need any special equipment. This exercise is a great example of a brief, low-intensity exercise that targets the lower body and yields rapid physical and mental rewards.

It's no surprise that Dua Lipa's training includes some Pilates routines! It significantly relieves lower back discomfort by engaging your pelvic floor muscles, resulting in improved stability. Pilates, because it is centred on gradual, low-impact movements, can aid in injury recovery and avoid musculoskeletal problems. This reduces stress and pressure on muscles and joints that are typically damaged during high-impact activities.

We encourage you to do various pilates-style movements that focus on strengthening and shaping your glutes, quads, and calves in this workout by German fitness legend Pamela Reif. This workout takes only 10 minutes to complete, with each exercise lasting 30 seconds and no break periods. For comfort, only an exercise mat is necessary. The exercises include:

  • Arms and a pile squat (30 seconds)
  • Squat sumo and tippy toe (30 seconds)
  • Toe raises and sumo squats (30 seconds)
  • tippy toes and hold (30 seconds)
  • three sumo pulses and tippy toe (30 seconds)
  • 1st toe and shoulder push (30 seconds)
  • Sumo pulsations (30 seconds)
  • Side to side stretching (30 seconds)
  • Arms and a pile squat (30 seconds)
  • Squat and side leg raise (30 seconds)
  • Wide Squat (30 seconds)
  • Overhead pulses (30 seconds)
  • tippy toe and hold (30 seconds)
  • Wide Squat (30 seconds)
  • Overhead pulses (30 seconds)
  • tippy toe and hold (30 seconds)
  • Squat and tap out (30 seconds)
  • Sumo pulsations (30 seconds)
  • Side to side stretching (30 seconds)

If you liked this workout and want to try something similar, we recommend this 10-minute workout for huge calves. We recommend pencilling in this push pull legs routine to help you grow muscle more effectively if you want an organised full-body workout. Finally, for people who don't have a lot of gym equipment but still want a workout that helps with strength and flexibility, a 10-minute resistance band routine for stronger glutes is a great option.

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